Children and Youth Information for Families
Children and Youth Information for Families
Children and Youth Information for Families

Join Us for Vacation Bible School!
Join us for an exciting adventure at Vacation Bible School - Righteous Ranch: Wanted By God, hosted by West End United Methodist Church on Saturday, August 3rd, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Children ages 2-18 are warmly invited to immerse themselves in a morning filled with crafts, engaging activities, inspiring Bible lessons, and plenty of fun! It's a fantastic opportunity for kids to explore stories from the Bible in a creative and interactive way.

Following the morning activities, we invite all families to a potluck lunch from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm in the WEUMC Fellowship Hall. It's a time to share good food and fellowship together as a community.

For more information or to register, please contact Erin at 910-773-9691 or email Don't miss out on this wonderful event - sign up now using the registration link provided on the button above. We look forward to seeing you and your family at Righteous Ranch!

Come and join the Youth Group at West End UMC!
We meet each Sunday evening from 3:00 - 4:30 pm!

The Children have begun their lessons on the Old Testament. We're looking through the Old Testament for the stories and promises of God to His people and finding where these promises have been fulfilled in the New Testament. So far, the children are loving these lessons!

The Youth are continuing their studies on Jesus and adding lessons on spiritual gifts, the three types of love, self-wellness and being a witness to others.
They meet Sunday Evenings at 3:00 - 4:30 pm.

Sunday school classes are going well for the youth and children. Both classes are reading and learning about the book of Acts. The nursery is open every Sunday for the little ones that would like to attend and learn about the stories of the Old Testament. The nursery is open for worship service, Sunday school or both if needed. If you have a child who would like to attend any of these classes the age groups are as follows: nursery 0-5 years, children's class 6-9years, youth 10 and 11 years, middle & high.

We would very much like to have some volunteers for teacher's assistants for these classrooms. A teacher's assistant is greatly needed in the nursery on the second and fourth Sunday's during children's church. If you would like to assist or volunteer, please sign up in the narthex on our volunteer list.

Our children and youth have formed a praise and worship team and have begun to learn music to share with the congregation during worship. We will continue to learn new music and welcome all parishioners to join in, sing with and move along with us as we share this music with you.